Raised in Conflict

 Raised in Conflict

Essan Dileri ‘s story


   I was in a deep sleep when a loud bang woke me. I looked   around and soon saw Mum and Dad at the west window. My sister woke in shock.

   The explosions got louder and closer. Dad took the ladder and climbed onto the roof to see what was going on and I followed. Red, green, orange and yellow explosions lit the 
western sky. The noise got closer and intensified. The smell of smoke filled the air. I could taste sulphur and the ground shook. I looked around to see neighbours on each roof. All faced west.

   Children cried and whimpered and the adults shrieked and yelled.

   ‘God help us!’

The writing process

I was amazed that when I phoned Jill to ask her to help me write this book she immediately said yes. She then told me that she had been asking God what to do next. The possibility of writing something of my story had come into her mind perhaps five minutes before I had phoned. We had had no contact for well over a year at the time and had only known each other as colleagues.

Telling my story to Jill has helped me and speaking my story was like a therapy, very difficult but I will cherish these moments of my life. 

Raised in Conflict is the story of an extraordinary Afghan man.

It begins with Essan’s early childhood and chronicles the life of a much loved and cherished son who grows up in the heart of a traditional family. He lives and thrives within a settled and well functioning family and community in a beautiful suburb of Kabul. 

He grows strong and resilient. He quickly learns to follow his father’s lead as a protector and representative of his family. He also learns to discern the political nuances of living within a nation colonised and controlled by a foreign power. 

This ‘normal life’ is often disrupted by unrest and from very early in his life Essan’s family and community face the very real dangers associated with the destruction and mayhem caused by civil war. 

When the Russians leave Afghanistan, Essan’s family life is disrupted by the slow destruction and disintegration of his country. The Mujahidin continually make life in the     suburbs unsafe. His family first leaves the suburbs for the centre of Kabul and then flees to Pakistan.

Essan returns to Afghanistan during the reign of the Taliban and is shocked by their depravity. 

In Pakistan he thrives and works hard to ensure he becomes well educated and well prepared to work alongside other young refugees to develop the skills needed to help rebuild his beloved homeland.

He and other young men return to Afghanistan and begin to contribute towards rebuilding their country.

His passion and work for change in Afghanistan is thwarted and Essan finds it impossible to continue so he begins a life in Australia as an asylum seeker.


For copies of Raised in Conflict please contact Essan Dileri
In Australia - AU$30 including postage
Overseas: AU$35 including postage.

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